"Kikuimo Aunt Trio" 2019 2019
General Incorporated Association Art Association for the Disabled Art Circle Registered Works
Milli-pen, ballpoint pen, magic pen, drawing paper / 136 × 148mm
Production time 1 week
I drew the clothes and lines of "Aunt Kikuimo" in detail with the dots drawn with a Milli-pen. Also,
I thought a lot about the color scheme of the image that combines the earthy smell of Jerusalem artichoke and the elegance of women.
I thought about Kikuimo.
"Root vegetables have an irresistible earthy odor. Especially,
Jerusalem artichoke contains a lot of insulin.
It's good for beauty and health! Great! Then, somehow,
I remembered my mother, and the figure of my mother overlapped.
That became the character "Aunt Kikuimo",
and it splits into a trio,
and when I expressed that image as it was, it looked like this.
《菊芋おばさんトリオ 2019》 2019
ミリペン、ボールペン、マジックペン、画用紙 / 136×148mm
制作所要時間 1週間