"wonderful husky" 2020 2020
Social welfare corporation Tokyo Colony Artability, General Incorporated Association Art Association for the Disabled Art Circle Registered Works
Milli-pen, magic pen, highlighter pen, POSCA, juice paint, cardboard / 257 x 364 mm
Production time 1 month
B4 size cardboard is pasted on B5 size cardboard.
I drew a Siberian Husky on B5 size cardboard.
With a McKee and highlighter, I drew a background with flickering eyes.
It resembles the feeling one gets before an alternative rock band's live show starts.
Drawing the background, the Siberian Husky's crazy eyes
A shuddering elation as the Siberian Husky seems to pop out of the paper!
I was particular about expressing these things.
I saw three Siberian Huskies walking side by side on TV.
Cool, cute, somehow insane, trembling elation, hippocampus-friendly!"
Those were the keywords that came to my mind.
Those keywords had one thing in common.
It is similar to the feeling one gets when watching a live performance by an "alternative rock band.
A fantasy began to unfold in my mind.
It was a trio of Siberian huskies staring at the audience with crazy eyes.
Then they leaped out of the screen and dove into the audience.
I felt so uplifted.
I expressed that image.
《ワンだふるハスキー 2020》 2020
ミリペン、マジックペン、蛍光ペン、ポスカ、ジュースペイント、ボール紙 / 257×364mm
制作所要時間 1ヶ月